Welcome To
Youth Track Summer Series
This summer series will allow youth athletes who will be part of the Corydon School system to participate in a few limited track and field events and compete in a fun, safe environment. The purpose of this series is to introduce the sport to younger athletes in hopes they will consider track and field as they progress through school. They will have the opportunity to work with the Junior High and High School coaching staff as well as current High School track athletes. This series will consist of 3 Monday evenings. The first 2 will be focused on practicing and preparing for the last Monday which will be a small mock meet for the kids to participate in. Parents and family members are encouraged to stay and watch during each session. We look forward to meeting a few future Panthers!
Monday June 6th @6:30pm
Monday June 13th @6:30pm
Monday June 20th @6:30pm
Corydon Central High School Track Facility
Why is running fast important?
The Youth Track Summer Series is for any athlete who is curious about track, loves sports and likes competing against others.
We utilize the Freelap Timing System to record, rank and publish our athletes performance data. Our athletes will receive instant feedback on their performance. Sprint data will be shared to feed competition among our athletes. Data can also be shared with parents and other coaches by downloading the Freelap App.
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Have Questions?
Coach Brian LaHue - USATF Certified Level 1&2, Safe Sport Certified
Twitter @CoachLaHue
Email - lahueb@shcsc.12k.in.us